I refuse to believe that you take yourself that seriously. It's ridiculous! It's so ridiculous that I have to pronounce the word differently, and expect Snape to come out of a closet wearing Neville's grandmother's dress. (I found Alan Rickman curiously sexy after that movie. Note to self: get some counseling.)
So, here I am on campus, in the Student Identification issuing office attempting to pick up my ID, and all I can get from this lady is a scrap of paper with a date and time to pick up my ID from the Civic Center, or some other such large dome space.
Really? I mean I'm on campus, and there are things that I'm suppose to be able to access but I can't, and other people already have their IDs. Why can't I just pick it up now?
"Grumble grumble...piece of paper."
Riiiiiiiight, but if I wait until next week and then go stand in line for three hours, I'll see you, and then you'll give me my ID?
"Is my ID ready now?"
"Hold on."
She walks over, goes through a catalogue of ID cards, and then walks over with mine and shows it to me to prove that it's ready.
"Sooooo... then can I just get it now?"
"Grumble-grumble-grumble, piece of paper."
So, what am I suppose to do about the stuff on campus that I can't access?
"Grumble-grumble-grumble piece of paper!"
So, you're going to stand there, with my ID, and refuse to give it to me until I wait in line next week, even though it's the exact same badge and nothing else needs to be done? C'mon, that's ridiculous!
Words, words, words...
"The only way for you to get your ID is to get a form that demonstrates that you are a very important person; otherwise see you next week at the Civic Center."
So, I walked across the hall. Got a piece of paper that showed I was an important person, and 5 minutes later I got my ID from the same women. Oh! Not before she had to print out a new one that said I was a very important person.
Who trained administrative services around here, the Soup Nazi???.
So, here I am on campus, in the Student Identification issuing office attempting to pick up my ID, and all I can get from this lady is a scrap of paper with a date and time to pick up my ID from the Civic Center, or some other such large dome space.
Really? I mean I'm on campus, and there are things that I'm suppose to be able to access but I can't, and other people already have their IDs. Why can't I just pick it up now?
"Grumble grumble...piece of paper."
Riiiiiiiight, but if I wait until next week and then go stand in line for three hours, I'll see you, and then you'll give me my ID?
"Is my ID ready now?"
"Hold on."
She walks over, goes through a catalogue of ID cards, and then walks over with mine and shows it to me to prove that it's ready.
"Sooooo... then can I just get it now?"
"Grumble-grumble-grumble, piece of paper."
So, what am I suppose to do about the stuff on campus that I can't access?
"Grumble-grumble-grumble piece of paper!"
So, you're going to stand there, with my ID, and refuse to give it to me until I wait in line next week, even though it's the exact same badge and nothing else needs to be done? C'mon, that's ridiculous!
Words, words, words...
"The only way for you to get your ID is to get a form that demonstrates that you are a very important person; otherwise see you next week at the Civic Center."
So, I walked across the hall. Got a piece of paper that showed I was an important person, and 5 minutes later I got my ID from the same women. Oh! Not before she had to print out a new one that said I was a very important person.
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