I feel compelled to buy shoes, like a crack addict feels compelled to sell AA batteries. I can't help myself, it's as if a power beyond my comprehension is guiding my actions. When you count them up my shoes usually number somewhere in the 50's. I remember where I was when I bought each pair, the time that it took to make the decision, the factors that I considered, and what I hoped that having the shoes would add to my fashion expression.
It's not uncommon for me to go on a two-day trip and bring 3 or more pairs of shoes. But, when I moved, I had A LOT less closet space, actually a lot less space period, so I started giving away my things.
(When I was in 3rd grade, the A-Team was the hotness, and as a spin-off Mr. T had a Saturday morning cartoon. The premise was absurd, it was Mr. T and a couple of white kids (who were gymnasts) traveling the nation fighting crime with their dog. What the fuck was that?!? Couldn't do that show any other way, even in the 80's it HAD to be a cartoon.
In any case, during the breaks Mr. T would insert his own "One To Grow On" moments. (They were part of the show, rather than during the commercial breaks.) One show was on giving, and Mr. T took the break to explain that it's not giving if you just get rid of a bunch of stuff you don't want. Who the hell wants all your shit that you don't want? So, when you give away clothes, or toys, or whatever you give, be sure to include some things that you still want, because that's what it means to give.)
It's not uncommon for me to go on a two-day trip and bring 3 or more pairs of shoes. But, when I moved, I had A LOT less closet space, actually a lot less space period, so I started giving away my things.
(When I was in 3rd grade, the A-Team was the hotness, and as a spin-off Mr. T had a Saturday morning cartoon. The premise was absurd, it was Mr. T and a couple of white kids (who were gymnasts) traveling the nation fighting crime with their dog. What the fuck was that?!? Couldn't do that show any other way, even in the 80's it HAD to be a cartoon.
In any case, during the breaks Mr. T would insert his own "One To Grow On" moments. (They were part of the show, rather than during the commercial breaks.) One show was on giving, and Mr. T took the break to explain that it's not giving if you just get rid of a bunch of stuff you don't want. Who the hell wants all your shit that you don't want? So, when you give away clothes, or toys, or whatever you give, be sure to include some things that you still want, because that's what it means to give.)
So, clothes...
Because of my move, I've been giving away my clothes, and my shoes (maybe 20 pairs of shoes- it burns, it burns!!!) But, the funny thing is that for the past 3 weeks, maybe longer, I've worn only 1 pair of shoes. Every day.
They're brown.
Sometimes they don't even match what I'm wearing, like today when I'm wearing a black shirt. Don't care much. It's Friday. I'm going to hook up with some queers later today. I need then to think that I'm cute and introduce me to their sexy friends. Plus! There's bound to be some sexy, "I just moved here too ladies, and it's helpful to be seen as a lesbian with some fashion sense about her.
Still don't too much give a shit.
Hmmm... I hope I'm not becoming granola!
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