Ich hat 8 jahre in Deustchland gewohnen. Warum spreche ich Deutsch nicht? Scheiße!!!

This blog is a space where I've given myself permission to express my thoughts as they come to me without the pressure to clean them up, or translate them for anyone's benefit; just my naked thinking showing up as text on screen. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes poignant, sometimes absurd; kinda like me.

Three things you need to keep in mind as you read my posts:

1.) I have extremely sexy eyebrows.
2.) I didn't handpick all of those videos to the right. I love Adam Curtis, and this was my YouTube compromise.
3.) I like semicolons; I think they're fun!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Ok- so, I went to the gym today at work. Got my little workout on. Arms, legs, quads, traps, (I didn't necessarily work these muscle groups, but it feels like if I go to the gym I should be able to shout out some large muscle (glutes!), so that.)

I had a good little workout, and went in to hit the showers. Now, what was striking about the locker room is that it was full of the same 6 women who were in there when I first showed up to drop off my bag. 30 minutes later, all of them are still in the locker room. How long does it take to put on clothes and brush your hair?

Okay, so post-workout, at the gym, at work. What's the getting undressed protocol again? Now, at a regular gym, I would just strip down and leave my clothes on the bench near my stall in the shower room. No bfd. Or, if it's not set up that way, I would strip down in the locker room, and then wrap a towel around me as I walked to the shower. Well, in our locker room, the lockers and bench are in the same room directly across from the shower.

Quandary. Now, my inclination is to just strip down, right? I mean, I'm about to hit the shower. But, I work with these people. I don't want to be: "Psst! *That's* the woman I was telling you about!"

"The one who walks around naked in the locker room?!?"


I don't want to be her. Anyone who's ever been in the locker room as an adult in the gym know that there is always some woman who feels just a little bit too comfortable with her naked body, and wants to stand there talking to you with her titties flopping around. (Inapproporiate!)

So, I don't want to be anything approaching that at work. But, I also don't want to be the prudish woman who walks directly into the shower from her workout and brings sideways glances because she undresses in the shower.

"She didn't even take off her running shoes?"

"Nope. She showered in them."

So, after I got out of the shower, there was my locker room buddy from last time sitting on the bench. (Waiting for me to get out of the shower? There are two other showers, but I guess she like the one I'm in and is willing to wait.) I decided to watch her to figure out what she does. What's protocol here.

Well, she went into a bathroom stall, and undressed in there, and came out in a towel. Somehow, I think she's doing it wrong too. That doesn't make much sense to me either.

Anyway, as I sat there getting dressed, I something out of of the corner of my eye caught my attention. When I turn to look, I realize that I can see her through the glass door of the shower.


It's not clear glass, it's either opaque, or textured glass that's suppose to refract light at so many different angles that you can't really see much behind it.

Whatever the fuck it's suppose to be, I can tell you what color her pubes are, and they don't match the hair on her head.

I saw something move, I turned, and I saw her body on the other side of the glass. .07 seconds? (dark brown, like chestnuts)

I'm not sure why, not entirely, but I feel dirty on the inside.

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