So, after I'm done, I head to the showers, and there's some white lady blow drying her hair. But, she keeps looking at me in the mirror. (I'm behind her at the locker.) So, I get my bag, and get together my shower stuff, and she keeps looking at me.
I put on my shower shoes, and there she is, still looking at me. And, I'm stuck. Suddenly, I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to get undressed with the lady looking at me. Then I can't remember, "Do you get undressed in the locker room? Is that even appropriate?"
I just couldn't remember what you do in public showers. So, I puttered around for a second, secretly hoping that someone else would come in after their workout and model for me appropriate post-workout heading to the shower etiquette. No haps. She's still looking. And by the way, white ladies, how fucking long does it take to blow dry your hair?!?!?
So, fully dressed I walked to the shower, and then stood inside thinking, "this isn't right." So, I got undressed in the shower, laughing to myself, "maybe she thinks I'm modest?"
So, as I turn on the shower, I realize that there is something wrong with the seal, and the door won't close completely. There's just a little slit. No big deal. UNTIL!
So, no one else in the locker room, and the blow-drying white lady positions herself so that she's sitting on a bench and can see straight through the slit! She moved my bag so that she could sit there on the bench, (She told me when I got out of the shower.) and I guess she sat down to get dressed? To put on her socks? I dont know.
Now, she's incidental to my story. A little unnerving, certainly, but not the story. The story is, what the fuck is protocol in the office locker room? At the regular gym there's always some buck naked woman flopping around wanting to talk with you. (Oh! I just remembered, the blow-dry lady came and talked to me while I was getting dressed. I think I had on underwear, but that's it. She came and stood right next to me and talked to me about water pressure. Hmmm.... I'm starting to feel more uncomfortable about that whole episode. It's like telling someone a story of the party you went to and something that made you feel uncomfortable. "Uhm, that sounds like you were raped sweetheart." "Oh... I guess it does." I've gone from feeling a little uncomfortable about this morning's incident to feeling a little violated.
Huh. Suddenly the point that I've been writing toward feels a lot less funny.
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