It honestly feels so 7th grade to call it a crush, but it makes me feel like I'm in 7th grade. I have a crush!!!
She makes my heart go pitter-thump! Like it thumps so hard in my chest that I can't breathe. I can't remember my thoughts. I can't remember that I'm not boring, or that I have witty witticisms. I have a crush, and she makes me all redundant and shit, but I don't even care, because because her hair is pretty.
What does she do? I don't know.
Where is she from? I don't know.
What does she like? I don't know.
What excites her? Justice, I think.
I love everything about her!!!!!
Does she like me?
I don't know. Maybe. I'm pretty likable, except I can't remember that when I have a crush on someone. I'm too busy feeling awkward, and unattractive, and gangly- like my arms are too long or something, but I never had a growth spurt. I've always been fairly well proportioned.
I like her so much that I take on other people's awkwardness and discomfort. My crush makes me feel like I'm really tall, but uncomfortable about my height.
She has beautiful brown eyes. I wonder if she wears contacts...
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