So- I didn't get much done today. Or yesterday. Or the day before that. Or, ... It's been awhile since I've done anything.
I did learn that I need to buy a new car today. I learned that when my car wouldn't start. No big deal if your car won't start. No big whoop.
But, my car started just fine after being parked in the snow for a month; started right up. Sat there for a month, and a 8 inches of ice covered my car from bumper to bumper. And, it started up just fine thank you very much. Today? Today it doesn't start.
So, something strange happened to my trunk. The ice that covered my trunk worked its way into the crack between the car and the part of the trunk that opens. My trunk has 2 inches of daylight between the car and the trunk when it's closed. The seal in perfect near the latch, but the closer you get to the back windshield, the greater this gap grows. So, my trunk doesn't close properly.
I was talking to some folks about it today, and none of them had ever heard of such a thing. I left my car parked in the snow for a month, and now my trunk is broken. Odd.
So, blah, blah, blah, my trunk is hard to close, okay. I took my friend grocery shopping yesterday, and we put his groceries in the trunk. When I got home, I couldn't close my trunk no matter how had I slammed it.
"Okay, I'll just leave it like this and take care of it in the morning."
Funny thing. I get up to move my car (alternate side parking), and it won't start. Nothing. Completely dead. The only light that's on is the yellow icon on my dash indicating that my trunk is open. No way! No WAY! That little light being on all night has killed my battery? No way!
"Fine, I'll close it."
Oh that it were so simple. So, the trunk that I couldn't close, now is frozen closed, and I can't get it open. Pull the latch, use the key, whatever you like- it's not locked, but it will NOT open.
Uhm- grrrrr?
So, I flag down my neighbor, get a jump, and drive around for an hour trying to charge my battery. (I would have just replaced the battery, but any service shops were closed, and I was nervous about driving too far from my house and having a car that may not start.) So, I drive around for an hour, check a few gas stations to buy jumper cables, and come back home. All of this was suppose to be a trip to a coffee shop to get some work done.
I drove to a coffee shop. Sat in the parking lot for a few minutes trying to decide if I thought my car would start when I got out, and decided not to risk it. Drove home, parked on the other side of the street, and turned off my car.
Would it restart? Uhm- not even close.
So, here I sit in my living room, and I think I'm going to buy a new car:
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