And I need money. So, while he was jumping my battery for me, I told him that I can help him out from time to time.
"What can you do?"
[uhm...panic! think quick brains!!]
"Oh, I paint and lay tile."
[Nice work brains!!!]
It's true, actually. I have done those things. I've done them rehabbing houses even. I've ripped out and replaced sinks. I've hung doors. Laid down hardwood. I do it all sister.
Well, I did about 10 years ago. A few months ago, I painted my apartment. Uhm- let's just say, my skills have atrophied, and I now remember things like why it's important to wash your brushes completely, AND why it matters if there is "just a little" water left in the sponge.
So- standing outside with my neighbor helping me to bring life back to my dead car, I told him that I'm willing to help him out from time to time.
Note to self: Make sure that he pays me in advance.
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