Ich hat 8 jahre in Deustchland gewohnen. Warum spreche ich Deutsch nicht? Scheiße!!!

This blog is a space where I've given myself permission to express my thoughts as they come to me without the pressure to clean them up, or translate them for anyone's benefit; just my naked thinking showing up as text on screen. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes poignant, sometimes absurd; kinda like me.

Three things you need to keep in mind as you read my posts:

1.) I have extremely sexy eyebrows.
2.) I didn't handpick all of those videos to the right. I love Adam Curtis, and this was my YouTube compromise.
3.) I like semicolons; I think they're fun!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pimp Juice

I was thinking about my life last week, and all the opportunities that it looks like I have access to in this moment, and it looks like (looks like) someone has just rubbed pimp juice into the ether of my life. That intangible, immeasurable, ephemeral, essence of what constitutes hope. Howard Thurman called it "the aliveness of life". To quote Nelly, "It could be money, fame, or straight intellect."

I'm still exhausted as fuck, and my body/brain still hasn't fully recovered from my travels; particularly since I haven't really had a chance to rest yet- I just came back to neglected work, pressing deadlines, and expectations that have been ratcheted up. But, as I sit there at my desk behind mounds of projects Opportunity keeps presenting herself to me. She's like a little kid playing dress-up who keeps coming back in different outfits, but I recognize that it's still her.
"POTUS!?!?!? How did you get my number?!?!?! Nevermind, I know..."

Damn, Opportunity! Wait til I get my shit together; chile, I'ma be all over you!

Better yet, if you keep sniffing round here now, and I ain't even got my A-game together? Howbout I just get at you right now.

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