I think it's big on high school football teams too. So, lots of aggressive testosterone space when men/boys smack each other on the ass, and do all of the homoerotic things that men and boys do. No homo. OK.
Now, there's space for "no homo" right after , "Suck my dick!" You can say "no homo" after you tell a friend that his mouth is really sexy. But, I think that most of it is to avoid being accused of being a homo in spaces that are not homo-accepting.
Now the merits and challenges, or homophobia implicit in "no homo" could fill a book. You would have to talk about the song that purportedly gave rise to the phrase, and the reason it's become so salient in the cultures of young men. Someone can do that.

Thinking about it makes me want to get a T-shirt that says, "Real men love Jesus! (no homo)"
1 comment:
The T-shirt, yeah I'd buy it. And the bumper sticker. I absolutely hate this phrase, and I hear it almost everywhere that has a large population of teen and college aged men. *rolling eyes*
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