Ich hat 8 jahre in Deustchland gewohnen. Warum spreche ich Deutsch nicht? Scheiße!!!
This blog is a space where I've given myself permission to express my thoughts as they come to me without the pressure to clean them up, or translate them for anyone's benefit; just my naked thinking showing up as text on screen. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes poignant, sometimes absurd; kinda like me.
Three things you need to keep in mind as you read my posts:
1.) I have extremely sexy eyebrows.
2.) I didn't handpick all of those videos to the right. I love Adam Curtis, and this was my YouTube compromise.
3.) I like semicolons; I think they're fun!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I don't even want to touch it!
Won't I die from inhaling the spores or something? I think I saw that on the Discovery Channel.
My Weekend:
So, this weekend? I went to a conference. Perhaps better said, I decided not to go to a conference because I had pressing deadlines that I may not meet, so I decided to stay. Then was told that the demands on my time would be reduced to accommodate my needs, so with an hour's notice I came home packed up my shit (by "shit" I mean most, but certainly not all of what I needed for weekend. Small things like a change of clothes escaped me... I had two pairs of pants though!) and hoped in a car to ride out for 5 hours.
Now, riding in a car for five hours isn't really a big deal, because you can just read the whole way there, so no time lost, right? Guess who suddenly developed reading-specific car sickness? WTF?!? Now? Really? Now? -sigh-
So, then I went to the conference, learned that there were still some expectations on my time that I didn't realize, including a "quick" dinner that stretched into 4 hours...
So, I managed to read and review 6 articles, write 15 pages of a paper, and I still have the energy to scan the 200 pages that we're discussing in seminar tomorrow morning (I managed to leave that book at home!)
Oh, and that book, the one on the chair next to me. I thought I would save money by checking it out from the library rather than buying it. Apparently, it has seen so little circulation over the last 50 years that it has mold growing up its pages.
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.
Life is good.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Things I Learned in College (or at the University?)
2.) If you go to a college on a hill, all of the women on campus will have enormous and well defined thighs. I thought I was a badass by riding a bike up a hill. Nope. The requirements of having to walk up and down hills to get across campus makes these women all look like the 4x1 alternates for the Olympics.
3.) Women who wear Tevas have low self-esteem. Again, I don't know the causal link here; can't tell you why. But, in 2008, any woman walking around with Teva sandals on is telling you that she feels bad about herself on the inside, especially if they are so worn along the heels that the shoe leans. The lesby-savvy woman may have moved on to some variant of Keen or Merrel, but a woman walking around today in Tevas. Low self-esteem. All of them.
Now that that's settled, hopefully I can get something done on this fucking paper!!
Thanks Amazon, I Think.

Black Republicans
More could be said, but it's the same old same old.
(I think that she looks a little like Tina Fey.)
7 Glorious Days!
I'm no fan of alternate side parking. No fan! As a student living on 5 figures (it's in the teens, but it's a solid 5), I prefer to drive as little as possible. For now, I like to ride my bike; later it will have to be public trans.
What that means though is that I'm tied to my car, as though it's a weight around my neck. Every day at 6pm I need to move my car from one side of the street to the other. Even days of the week you park on the east side of the street, and odd days you park on the west side. You certainly don't have to move your car, you can just pay the tickets and pick your car up from the impound lot.
But, for seven days, seven glorious days, I don't have to dance this dance. Seven days during the year; those months with 31 days I don't have to rush home and move my car!! As the 31st becomes the 1st we have an odd day becoming another odd day. Thank you, Ashref!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Am I Adopted?
- Boca Burger
- Chicken Patty
- Omelet
- Sausage & Peppers
- Chicken Salads
- Soups
The list goes on ad infinitum! No one in my family likes either banana peppers or feta cheese. Makes me wonder if I'm adopted. I know that when we are fetuses en utero (in utero?) that we can taste the spices and seasonings of the foods that our mothers eat. One of the postulated benefits to this is that we develop a preference for the foods that our mother's eat (or those in the environment in which we will most likely live) before we are even born.
No one even in my extended family likes these staples of good eatery. I think I may be adopted.
Now, I possess the capacity to go on and build the strength of this argument, and move it into something that may even be plausible. However, I realize that at it's heart arguing that I may be adopted because of my addiction to foods that the rest of my family doesn't eat is just about as plausible as, "Nobody else in my family seems to be a crack fiend... Hmm... You think I'm adopted?"
Mostly though, I'm just procrastinating, and taking a break from the grueling rigors of shit I don't want to read.
Back at it!!
I'm Insured!!!!
Ooo yeah! ooOH yeah!
Now I can finally go to the doctor to make sure that I'm not dying of cancer. I don't think I am. i mean, I don't feel at all cancery, but I've got a "rapid proliferation of cells" that's got me nervous. I learned that phrase in Freshman biology; it makes cancer so much more discussable.
"We'll ma'am, you have some fast-growing cells... well, also, they may kill you."
I really hope that once I go to the doctor and find out that I'm not dying in 6-8 months that I'll be able to sleep better at night. Cuz uhm- these school demands are already kinda kicking my ass.
Wondering if you're dying must certainly take its toll on your energy and attention reserves, no?
Well, back to learning about the limitations inherent in public education systems...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sometimes I Think I Feel Lonely
But, the reality is that I have seen people. And, not just in my classes either. In the last two weeks, I've gone out dancing 4 times (with different groups of people each time). I've gone to three different BBQ's. I had dinner with a couple of people. In fact, I missed a dinner because i was studying and forgot about the time, so without my phone- I no showed. And, I've turned down several coffee invitations, a couple of offers for meals, and I've met a ton of people that I like. I even went to a street festival and met a woman that I thought was attractive.
So, I'm not devoid of human contact, not even purely social contact. I'm surprised by just how easy it has been to meet and connect with people; even "important" people. But, sometimes I get this abyss of loneliness that engulfs my heart; it's a desperation to be with and around people.
I realized just now that it's not actually loneliness, it's the expectation of loneliness. I have a TON of reading to do, and the one word that I have heard more than "the" is "isolation" in characterizing the graduate experience. Ph.D. students are isolated!!!
So, when I'm faced with a mound of reading that I don't want to tear into, like someone's thinking about someone else's perspectives, on some other guy's criticism, of an interpretation of a philosophy from 1652, as that impacts some social construction in 1852- uhm YAWN!
So, a pit of despair surfaces as though it actually characterizes my existence. It doesn't. But when it surfaces, I take on the expectation that this is what graduate school is like, and from this moment forward I will be totally and utterly alone. The reality is that I just met 5 or 6 people today that I'm excited about getting to know better, including a pretentious med student who is gonna be my roller blading buddy. The fact is that I'm not lonely. I just don't want to read this shit.
Well, back to it...